Dental Transformations: Before and After

Upper crowns and bridge to correct alignment, replace missing teeth, close spacing and discoloration.
Upper crowns and bridge to correct alignment, replace missing teeth, close spacing and discoloration.

Upper crowns and bridge to correct alignment, replace missing teeth, close spacing and discoloration.

Gingival contouring, upper canine to canine crowns, to correct alignment, discoloration, decay and gum line.
Gingival contouring, upper canine to canine crowns, to correct alignment, discoloration, decay and gum line.

Gingival contouring, upper canine to canine crowns, to correct alignment, discoloration, decay and gum line.

Upper canine to canine crowns with gingival contouring to correct gum line, discoloration, alignment and 
fractured teeth.
Upper canine to canine crowns with gingival contouring to correct gum line, discoloration, alignment and 
fractured teeth.

Upper canine to canine crowns with gingival contouring to correct gum line, discoloration, alignment and 
fractured teeth.